Goodwill Industries of Central Oklahoma
Graphic Design
Responsive E-Commerce Website
Goodwill came to us wanting a website that would show Oklahomans that they offer more than second-hand clothing. They wanted their website to thoughtfully highlight their mission: to help people overcome challenges with employment. Goodwill also wanted a website where all their information could be organized properly and their locations listed in a beneficial way. Click here to check out their website! Click here.
Behind every great SEO campaign is days worth of research and a solid plan of action. Boiling Point Media has been diligently working on Goodwill’s SEO to get them ranking for keywords like “thrift store near me” “janitorial services OKC” and more. We have 17+ keywords racking at #1 on Google. With a blend of on-page/off-page SEO, strategic content writing, back-linking and more, we are able to achieve our goals.
When Goodwill first partnered with Boiling Point Media we were tasked with developing a brand that would be recognized as Goodwill but also show that they offer much more than second-hand goods. The brand that was decided on was Uncommonly Good. We created a brand style guide along with many other digital assets.