Pros & Cons of Using An LED Volume Wall For Filming

by | Dec 11, 2024 | Film

  • LED volume walls are a collection of interconnected high-end LED displays designed to create more immersive films. 
  • Pros of LED volume walls in filmmaking includes giving you more creative control for your film. 
  • Use the LED Volume Wall at Boiling Point Media for your next film project.


In recent years, the LED volume wall has become a game-changing technology in filmmaking by transforming the way movies are produced. Pros of LED volume walls in making a movie includes unmatched efficiency, creative control, and the ability to overcome many of the challenges associated with traditional green screens. There are also potential drawbacks when using these walls that could implicate the final result of your film. Below, we’ve outlined the things to look for when using LED volume walls in filmmaking.


What is an LED Volume Wall?

Before we get into the pros of an LED volume wall as well as the cons, lets get a clear understanding of the term LED volume wall. An LED volume wall is a collection of interconnected high-end LED display panels designed to display video or 3D content. They create an immersive background for actors. Used in a variety of productions, from streaming TV series and weekly episodic shows to sci-fi blockbusters, these walls can be either mobile setups or permanent installations.


Differences Between LED Volume Walls & Green Screens

The differences between an LED volume wall and a green screen lies in the environment itself. With an LED volume wall, the entire space is surrounded by LED display panels. LED Volume walls allow you to create a fully immersive setting for actors to perform in. In contrast, with a green screen, only the green backdrop is set up in front of the camera. Green screens leave the actors to imagine the background. Perhaps the most significant difference is seen in the post-production process. When using LED, compositors don’t need to remove green from reflections or add artificial reflections on top of the green. This reduces the complexity of post-production and improves the final result.


Pros of LED Volume Walls

Opting for a wall in film production offers plenty of advantages, including greater cost savings, creative control, and a more efficient production process. The commitment to innovation and quality that comes with using a volume wall ensures that your film or video project uses the latest advancements in virtual production, helping to better realize the filmmaker’s vision.



One of the key benefits of using an LED volume wall is its cost efficiency. Traditional green screen filmmaking can be time-consuming and expensive, as it requires significant post-production work to remove the green background and replace it with a virtual environment. In contrast, volume walls minimize the need for extensive post-editing, saving both time and money.


More Creative Control

LED volume walls provide filmmakers with exceptional creative control. Thanks to real-time rendering and dynamic lighting features, directors and cinematographers can make instant adjustments to fine-tune the look and feel of their scenes. In the end, this enhanced flexibility leads to a more immersive and visually striking final product.



Achieving consistent and realistic lighting on a green screen set can be difficult, particularly with complex scenes or fine details. LED volume walls address this challenge by precisely replicating the lighting and reflections of the virtual environment onto the actors and objects. This creates a more cohesive and natural appearance, improving the overall quality of the production.


Cons of LED Volume Walls

Although there are numerous pros of LED volume walls, there are some drawbacks that you should consider beforehand. The use of visual artifacts, camera reflections, and set design flexibility are all things that could be affected if the LED volume wall isn’t being used properly to cater to your film.


Visual Artifacts

LED volume walls are digital displays with a specific bit depth. While most are wired for 10-bit color, this may still be insufficient to avoid artifacts in scenes with very low contrast or dim lighting. If you’re planning to shoot a low-key scene, it’s a good idea to overexpose by about a stop and adjust the image during grading. This will help ensure that the wall delivers the best possible image.


Camera Reflections

LED volume walls are largely constructed of plastic, which makes them highly reflective. Even small amounts of ambient light in the room can bounce off the screens, raising the black levels and lowering contrast. This would result in an image that appears thin and artificial. It’s essential to control any ambient light spill around the screens by flagging, masking, and gridding off areas where light could leak.


Limited Set Design Flexibility

While volume walls are huge, this does come with a downside. Because of their size and design, there are limits in how much they can be moved around and modified. Many film production studios have volume walls in place and know how to use them to accommodate your film as best as possible.  


Should I Use An LED Volume Wall For Filming?

When comparing the pros of LED volume walls in film against the cons, the pros of LED volume walls outweigh the cons. These walls help actors stay immersed in their scenes by surrounding them with the environment where the action unfolds. Long hours in front of a green screen can make actors lose focus. With an LED volume wall, actors experience a much more authentic setting, bringing them closer to the feeling of actually being in the scene’s environment.


Use The Volume Wall At Boiling Point Media For Your Next Film

As a fresh film production and visual effects studio based in Oklahoma City, Boiling Point is the go-to place for filmmaking. We enjoy collaborating with passionate individuals and projects, fostering strong relationships, and empowering emerging artists to gain valuable experience and develop their skills. We also help businesses cut through the noise to connect with our advertising agency. From initial design concepts to full-scale custom development, and all the marketing and brand support you’ll ever need. You will reach that boiling point with our wide range of services!


Learn more about Boiling Point Media by getting familiar with our company and the films we’ve produced. Along with film, check out the marketing services we provide through our advertising, marketing, and production agency. Reach out by filling out the contact form, seeing us in person, or sending a message online.


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7801 N Robinson Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73116


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