A Film Director is a creative expert responsible for managing the artistic elements of a film production. Asking effective...
Dinosaur Movies: A Timeline of Jurassic Greatness
Dinosaur movies have come full-circle from animated drawings to advanced animated effects. Storylines have largely changed,...
Why You Should Film Your Next Movie In Oklahoma
Oklahoma has long encouraged film making in the state with its generous film incentives and beautifully historic locations....
What Is Involved With The Post Production Process Of A Film
Post production in filmmaking are the processes that happen after all filming is completed. There are 5 different stages of...
From Silent Movies To Modern Day Blockbusters: The Timeline of Film Evolution
The first film ever made was Louis Le Prince's Roundhay Garden Scene in 1888 and depicted people walking through the...
Why Sound Design Is Crucial To Filmmaking
Film sound design encompasses everything you hear in a film from the dialogue to the music and sound effects. To have...
Crafting Magic For The Silver Screen: How To Write A Movie Script
A movie script, or screenplay, is the written blueprint for the creation of a film that contains dialogue, action, and...
Lights, Camera, Action! What to do When Making Your First Movie
When starting the movie making process for the first time, it’s important to consider the following things: Project ideas,...
The Evolution of VFX Artists to Movie Directors: A Transition Worth Exploring
A recent trend within the film industry has emerged: VFX artists becoming Directors. It’s beneficial to have a film...
Revolutionizing Filmmaking: The Power of Unreal Engine
Unreal Engine was originally created for use in video games but has evolved into a filmmaking tool. Creating fantasy worlds...
Advantages To Using An LED Volume Wall For Filming
There are many advantages to using an LED Volume Wall in filmmaking which largely center around creative control &...
History of VFX: Movie Magic Evolution
Visual Effects is the revolutionary transformation in the film industry that dates back to the 19th century, bringing...
Understanding the Differences Between AR, VR, and XR in Filmmaking
The main difference between AR, VR, & XR is what type of reality someone is in. AR, VR, & XR is being used more and...
What Is Camera Tracking In Cinematography
Camera tracking refers to the process of accurately reproducing the movement of a real-world camera within a 3D digital...
What Is The Difference Between 2D & 3D Animation?
2D animation involves creating a sequence of two dimensional images whereas 3D animation creates life-like three...
What Does A Film Colorist Do?
A film colorist works with the director of photography to create and implement a projects color palette including color...
Illuminating Cinematic Magic: LED Volume Wall
Boiling Point Media now has an LED Volume Wall that's ready to be rented out and create movies. The LED Volume Wall first...
Empowering Oklahoma’s Workforce: Workforce Development Program Partners with Boiling Point Media
Boiling Point Media is working with Oklahoma's Workforce Development Programs to give individuals the opportunities and...
Match Moving in Filmmaking: An Essential Tool for VFX
Mach moving tracks the movement of a camera and matches it to computer generated graphic movements. This specific technique...
Differences Between A Green Screen and A LED Volume Wall
An Led Volume Wall has the ability to create immersive environments, enhancing the overall viewing experience, whereas a...
Guide For The Post Production Process: From Raw Footage to The Final Cut
Post production is the process where all raw footage is transformed into a cohesive story, and eventually the final...
Bring Your Virtual World to Life With Unreal Engine For Filmmaking
Unreal Engine is a type of software used to create realistic digital environments, and is used in video games and even some...
Boiling Point Media Unveils LED Virtual Film Production Studio in Oklahoma City
State-Of-The-Art Technology Now Available To Wider Range Of Filmmakers Boiling Point Media’s new LED Virtual...
Oklahoma City Film Rebate 2022
Rumor has it that Oklahoma City is the next Hollywood –”Hollywood on the Prairie”. Here at Boiling Point Media, we knew...
Superpowered Women: The Progression of Women in Animation at Boiling Point Media
With gender equality rising in all areas of profession– specifically in male dominated ones, like the world of animation,...
Oklahoma’s Selling Sunsets
A lot of changes and improvements have been happening all over the state of Oklahoma, but one in particular has us jumping...
Benefits of Working with A Production Company
Chris Hoyt, one of Boiling Point Media’s very talented producers and writers says it best: “The benefits of working with a...
BPM Announces Sequel to Popular Family-Friendly Movie
Boiling Point Media has begun the filming of ‘The Adventures of Jurassic Pet: The Lost Secret.” This is the sequel to our...
Streaming New Release Movies Surpass Going to a Movie Theatre
Streaming Has Changed Our Movie Watching Habits When Netflix released its first original series in 2013, they transformed...
Cash Rebate Filming Incentive In Oklahoma – Post Production Opportunities
Oklahoma Is Ready For Filming On May 21, 2021, Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt signed the ‘Filmed in Oklahoma Act of 2021’...
4 Reasons You Should Film in Oklahoma City
Most people, especially outsiders, likely envision
Female VFX Team
Boiling Point Media VFX team consists of leading females, in an industry that's typically male dominated. Stephanie...
Our very own “Movie Guy”, Ryan Bellgardt, has once again teamed up with Lionsgate and Ace Entertainment to Direct a new...
What We Have Learned From “Quarantining”
What We Learned from "quarantining" The Routine As much as we all complain about getting up early, driving through...